Saturday, June 6, 2009

Ride 'Em Cowboy

A week ago our 5 year old grandson graduated from pre-school. His one request of us was to be able to stay at our house for 7 whole days. How does one say no to that, I ask? I went to his pre-school for the last goodbyes and pictures with his teachers and then off we went to Nanny & Papa's cottage. I'm thinking this is as good as it gets when you're 5, but surely it is even better when you're the Nanny!

We filled our days with lots of fun things including crafts and kayak rides, bonfires and s'mores, whirlpool baths with tons of bubbles, and of course; lots and lots of stories. On our way home on day 8, (because we wanted 7 whole days of fun) we stopped by Stover's Cove for some beach combing, and a picnic lunch. Miles was so excited when we drove out to the point, and found this ginormous piece of driftwood; just waiting to be climbed upon. As you can see in this picture, besides being adorable; he was having the time of his life. He started to ride it like a horse and that was when we decided it was a Sea Pony and he was the Cowboy; I can still hear him yelling "ye haw" . . .

And so, the memory goes into the recesses of his mind; to be pulled out again one day when he's all grown up. Perhaps he'll be telling his little ones about his visit to his Nanny & Papa's and the stop at the beach on the way home from a wonderful week's visit. That's the good stuff, for sure.