Even though I'm not old enough to have been an Avon Lady, when this particular ad was published in the 50's; I still remember when I was growing up, when our Avon Lady would come to our door every now and then. I don't have room here, but the stories my husband tells of when the Avon Lady came to his house will leave you ROTFL, (that's shorthand for Rolling-On-The-Floor-Laughing if you didn't know) but I promise to tell it soon. Anyway, it must have left a good impression on me, as I too became one of the brave women who decides to become the Avon Lady for their neighborhood or in many cases for the entire town.
The children were little and I was a stay-at-home-mother (which I just saw is now under the job title of SAHM) but needed a little extra cash AND some adults to speak to. You SAHM's know what I'm talking about! Back in those days, there wasn't a Gymboree to take our kids to, in fact I'll bet out in Windsor, Maine it is still just Hussy's General Store (pronounced: huzzes genraaal sto-ah) as the only place to go other than the Fair Grounds; which if memory serves correct is about to ramp up again for the annual big times! They even let the kids out of school to help their folks tend the livestock they've entered, or handle parking and such. So you see, the Windsor Fair really is a big deal, but it only comes once a year and once it's over, it's a long winter ahead for all the folks around there.
Back to the Avon Lady story. I only had two decent - go out of the house - outfits, 'cuz who needs more than that when the most dressed up you need to get, is to go to the pot-luck supper over to the primary school once a month. Please note: I don't talk like this anymore, but just telling the story makes all of those language habits come rushing back along with the memories. My first day being the Avon Lady, I got all "dressed-up", put on some of my new Avon perfume, a bit of the Avon eye shadow (probably blue) and of course a pair of Avon earrings just to round things out. I asked the neighbor to watch the kids for a couple of hours, and off I went.
Whew, I was scared! First of all, we were from AWAY! For those of you that aren't familiar with that saying; let me be clear; (as our President likes to say, and it seems to work most times) it means exactly what you think it does. In fact if one were to dig a little deeper, it means unless there are two generations before you; born and raised in Maine, you are STILL "from away". Get my drift? And the worst of if was that we came from that cereal state - California. You know, fruits, nuts and flakes! Geez 'em crow, that's baaaad. Honest, people really say that and I'll even admit to it myself, once or twice.
So I drove down the road a bit, pulled onto a road I'd never been on; because I'm pretty adventuresome, and pulled into the driveway of the first house I came to that didn't look too scary. Thank heavens no one was home, and I just stuck a book in the door! Okay, one down and nine to go. That was my goal, to go to ten houses that day. Next house I saw looked pretty decent, so I took a deep breath and pulled into their drive or as it is referred to here; door-yard, and parked the car. I could see someone peeking out at me, so I got my Avon case out of the back seat and proceeded to march up to their door, with my knees 'a knocking.
I can't remember that woman's name, but she was just the sweetest person you could ask to meet. She seemed to be looking for someone to talk to, only on a different level than I, as she was older than me, and just seemed kind of lonely, sitting there. She wound up being a real regular customer and I suspect that the motive behind it was that in two weeks time, I would be back to sit and chat for another 15 minutes or so. That's not a bad thing in my book. Bringing a little socializing along with something sweet smelling or the latest lipstick sample worked out to be okay. Speaking of lipstick, I know I had some of that on too! All those little samples were my favorite part.
Turned out that I got to know a lot of really nice people in that little town of Windsor, and when I get a chance to go back for the Fair; all of those old memories come flooding back. When my babies were babies and I was a young mother just trying to make life a little easier by doing a little extra. Much has changed but then little has changed. We all need a little company to take our mind off of the daily pressures. Now days we can turn to the internet anytime, day or night and "chat" with folks from all over the world. But I must say, it's still nice to sit with a friend, even if only for a little while, and just socialize. Who do you know that needs a visit? Get goin . . .
Till next time, all is well on the pond and tomorrow brings new promises and new hope - be well my friend ~