When I hear that song in my head, "Give A Little Bit of Your Love To Me", I hear Supertramp singing away . . . but that's really not what this story is about - or is it? In our declining economy most things that we've taken for granted are being rewritten into something much different than we're used to. This occurrence manifested itself when the Annual Meeting or perhaps I should say, lack thereof; became a problem this week.
Knowing that

After a brief conversation with our Sales Manager, Steve; he and I agreed that we could do a "stand alone" Annual Meeting for just the sales and marketing departments, at which time the much needed recognition would be the centerpiece. We even agreed that we could have lunch - but here's where it gets interesting.
When we discussed the menu, the disparity between my opinion of what would be acceptable fare and that of the his, was vast to say the least. After thinking about it all night long, knowing that the very next day was when we were going to hold this "celebration", I had to move swiftly and convincingly. After deliberating for several hours that morning and revving up my courage by speaking to several people to get their positive feedback to the idea, I approached the Steve with my idea.
I told him I felt it sent the wrong message to tell the sales reps they are doing a great job and encourage them to keep up the pace with something resembling cardboard in the shape of pizza. He quickly agreed but felt we had little or no budget to do anything grandiose nor the time to pull it off. That's when I put on my "Superwoman" cape and said I was confident that I could find a place in the budget to afford the food and that I was volunteering to cook and serve the entire group, some 22+ people. With that, this wonderful man said, "MJ, you humble me." Not wanting to get all choked up like I usually do with such praise, I quickly retreated saying I have to leave early to get shopping and then cooking.
Fast forward 24 hours, the food is all cooked, brought into the

After lunch was the Award Presentation portion of the gathering and the much deserved accolades to the appropriate folks. Once again, our Sales Manager nearly brought me to tears, by publicly telling the story of my insistence to give them a good meal to go with the Annual Sales Meeting ; which was met with a round of applause in appreciation for my efforts. I don't do that part very well!
When it was all done everyone went back to work, but I left things out for them to pick at it throughout the afternoon. Finally around 3:00, I went in and started to clean up and Denise; one of the sales reps that I've had the distinct pleasure to work with on a couple of community event committees, came in and helped me put everything away, clean up, wash dishes and generally put things back in order.
While we were in the kitchen cleaning up, Denise told me how much she liked the Broccoli Slaw I had made, and in fact had shared the recipe with her mother from the last time we had a potluck as I had brought the same salad. She then said that she is always telling her mother about me as I inspire her. Being quite taken back by that, I asked how so? She told me that it was obvious that I follow my passions and live life to the fullest. She said most people are kind of lazy, but it was obvious that I never let a minute go to waste based on the number of things I'm always doing. For the second time that day, I became reclempt and tried very hard to accept the compliment without showing what an emotional person I am (doubt I fooled her though).
Driving home; one very tired girl, partly because I had cooked for 9 hours after shopping for this impromptu feast and partly because it had been a long day at work on top of the luncheon; I felt that it's people like Steve the Sales Manager and Denise the Sales Rep, why I do what I do. To share my appreciation and joy of life through a little effort like cooking is really what the human experience is all about, and I started humming "Give A Little Bit of Your Love To Me". To you I say, pass it on, Give A Little Bit of Your Love . . .