When you were a kid, wasn't it a great day when you could go out to make a snowman? When did the desire for that kind of fun go away? Personally, it never did for me; but some folks just don't appreciate the simple pleasures in life - that's for sure. My nephew went outside today and was building a snowman with his dad. I'm telling you, that is one of THE best projects you can do with your kids.
We will definitely have to carry those Snowman Kits in our Classic Cottage Living store! I mentioned it to my husband over lunch, and he immediately began thinking how we could make our own kits. I think we are going to have some really neat stuff in our store - things that we love and evoke memories of great times at the cottage, or camp, or your own back yard! So get out and make your own snowman, times a wastin' . . .
My nephew was very excited to see his very own snowman on his Auntie's Blog. Thanks for the picture!