I was just looking at some pictures of the "retro aprons" in a magazine and had an image flash in front of me of a photograph that I have somewhere, but I just can't put my finger on it right now, so I'll paint one with words. When my daughter was just a little thing, I made her an apron just like Mommy's because she loved to help me in the kitchen, and I've always worn an apron when cooking.
In fact I have five or six hanging on the "apron hook" at this very minute. Well, as children are suppose to; she grew up and out of her little apron, but I kept it anyway. Probably for sentimental reasons mostly. Every once in a while I'd run across it in the back of the kitchen towel drawer, pull it out, run my hands over the little waistband and remember how quickly those times went by.
Also in testament to how fast time goes, I've now been able to put that very same apron on three of the four grandchildren that have been bestowed upon me, and #4; little Miss Georgia is just about ready as she'll be 3 in August. Certainly she will love to have me put that apron around her tiny little waist, pull that old yellow stool up to the counter for her to kneel on, and help Nanny
measure and stir whatever treat it is that we are cooking up.
Even though I can't find that picture I was thinking of, I can see all of them in my mind's eye; each with that same little apron on, beaming up at me with the enthusiasm only a little child can possess. Thrilled with the task at hand of combining ingredients to make some delectable treat that they will then proudly proclaim to have helped make.
Ah yes, another good thing happening at the cottage -
In fact I have five or six hanging on the "apron hook" at this very minute. Well, as children are suppose to; she grew up and out of her little apron, but I kept it anyway. Probably for sentimental reasons mostly. Every once in a while I'd run across it in the back of the kitchen towel drawer, pull it out, run my hands over the little waistband and remember how quickly those times went by.
Also in testament to how fast time goes, I've now been able to put that very same apron on three of the four grandchildren that have been bestowed upon me, and #4; little Miss Georgia is just about ready as she'll be 3 in August. Certainly she will love to have me put that apron around her tiny little waist, pull that old yellow stool up to the counter for her to kneel on, and help Nanny

Even though I can't find that picture I was thinking of, I can see all of them in my mind's eye; each with that same little apron on, beaming up at me with the enthusiasm only a little child can possess. Thrilled with the task at hand of combining ingredients to make some delectable treat that they will then proudly proclaim to have helped make.
Ah yes, another good thing happening at the cottage -
What a lovely story! I love that yellow stool, too, have one in red in my kitchen right now!