For whatever reason, I was not aware of this impending storm other than we would probably get something that was "shovel-able" as the forecasters said, on Sunday evening. Imagine my surprise to wake up Sunday morning to three or more inches of snow already, and boy did it snow and snow. All day, big fluffy flakes that just kept coming. We wound up with somewhere in the vicinity of 14" - 16" of the powdery stuff.
Three passes on the sidewalks still left more to shovel this morning. We've yet to go out and dig out the vehicles. Pre-planning is criticle, so we park across the street before a big storm which gives our "plow-guy" full access to our long narrow driveway. These tricks are learned the hard way. After a big snowfall total (+100") year last year, we could barely park in the driveway or open up the car doors. Perhaps we're a little extra cautious this year, but so far it's working. Check back in March and see if I still have the same attitude.
Goin' out to shovel (again)
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